So yesterday I said I didn't do any hiking, but today...I did! It was really fun. I went to The Narrows in Greene County. The trail was really muddy, there were lots of birds, the trees smelled nice, it was great. While hiking, my group came across a stream. I ended up catching a big grub and attempted to catch a crawdad. Our guides taught us about the types of wildlife they had there. It was mainly birds that we saw. They also taught us about how stream are made/created and what happens when man makes them. When hiking we came across stinging nettle. If you touch it, it will sting very badly and be HIGHLY UNCOMFORTABLE! But there is a plant that grows next to it called jewel-weed. If you pinch it of and rub the inside on the area where the nettle touched, it will alleviate the stinging sensation (That's helpful to know just in case you get stranded out in the middle of the woods and you have no idea where you are, how to get home, or any knowledge of how to hunt/find food and water). At the end of the day, we ended up going to the wildlife center, where we got to see many other reptiles and amphibians including snakes, which of one I got to hold. I think the main take away from The Narrows was how important it was to really preserve and protect wildlife, and how to do that, not just plants. I also learned that several acts have been put in place to protect these types of wildlife.
When we returned to school we finished writing scripts for a skit that we would preform in class. It was about animals of our choose. We could choose the age range of which was the target audience. My group chose 4-12. It was about a turtle, fish, and duck who lived in a pond and died. Their cause of death was pollution and humans taking all the resources. For my lines, I had to avenge the duck who died first. My line was, "Nooooo! Ducky! I will avenge you Ducky!" However, the skit gave me an anime type vibe so I said those lines in Japanese, although it may not be completely accurate. The audience seemed to like it though. It was, "Iie! Dakkii! Watashi wa anata ni dakkii o sukuimasu!"
Over all it was pretty fun.